
GDD - to sum up


This is a tale of a black monster, coming out of nowhere, living in a world full of strange words.
When Blobby is facing nice words, he grows up... but also ends up destroying nice words and cannot go much further in life.
When he hits bad words... bad words make him shrink.
But it is also the only way he has to be smaller, and to stop hurting things.

In this 2D puzzle-platformer, players need to pick the right words... to become a small, and happy little monster.

Chapter 1: Lessen up



This 1st level could be divided in "scenes".
Each scene would be a platformer/puzzle to solve.

As in: Limbo

Intro: Biggy walks on the grass, then meets a first flower.
Biggy walks on it: it turns red (or black? = deathly shadow instead of a red trail)
Biggy is sad. (Lose all his happiness points)

Biggy goes further, meets other flowers and kills them all. (Always sad, visual + sound feedbacks)

Biggy meets a pike... stepping on it he hurts himself.
After that, he meets another flower... but is not big enough to hurt it. He is a little bit happier.

Biggy is too big and cannot go any further: there is a tunnel but he cannot go in there.
Biggy has to bump on a "wall" (or anything) 3 times to make a kind of "stalactite" fall on him.
The stalactite hurts Biggy (and disappears): Biggy shrinks.


That was not on purpose, but it's still a good ref:

Dev notes - LD, instances, items


cute things to avoid: flowers, cats, smileys, rainbows, butterflies, words?... = static
change GONE to LOST?


hurting things: pikes, knifes, bottles of poison, bad mushrooms = 1st is obvious, others can be hidden, static

Space: has to be designed regarding the size of the PC = unavailable zones if not at the right size

HUD: Monster's happiness gauge bar? / happiness points?

2 kind of words: nice words and bad words.

nice words:

small words, but you're too big to avoid them:
cutest kitty

bigger words, which cannot be easily skipped/but are easy to lose:

small words again, fragile but numerous:
freedom: the last word. the most difficult to avoid hurting it (very small and appears several times)

bad words: 

anger: you bump on it (like bumping your head on a wall)
ache: moving - strikes you only once - hard to reach (because you tend to avoid pain: tension between wanting it and avoiding it)
but you have to face it to go further (over a bigger rock)
OR it does not appear first. First there's a single word, moving : "Alone", you hit it as angry, but it then slowly change to "Ache"
You get smaller, but as you are smaller, you are lighter
= you can jump into a cloud a reach the top of the rock

loss: delayed effect? (you pass through it several time before it strikes you)


Refs - cute things etc.

Dev notes - Gameplay

Shrink your big big monster (Biggy) to stop it from destroying cute things - like flowers, kittens and else.
The big monster leaves a red trail behind him when he moves, that kills every cute little things.
As a monster, you have to hurt yourself to shrink (pikes, sharp elements)

You have to hit yourself several times to shrink to the right size (when you cannot hurt cute things anymore)
Probably 3 or 5 hits
Every time you use something to weaken yourself, the element cannot be used anymore. (Ex: a knife will break after hitting you, or you swallow it etc.)
Same for poisons etc.
Suicidal "Kirby": eating things to shrink yourself/hurt yourself - but if you eat cute things you will grow back

Eating = touching the item / recover it
the monster goes over the item - when he goes out, the item is covered in red if it was a cute thing / has been absorbed by the monster if it was a hurting thing

The end of the level: you have "the right size" but something bigger comes up... and threatens your life. = it is your red trail. It took form of a bigger monster than you were...
CUT = cliffhanger - end of first level/episode

Refs - Monster



Red monster: